The Knowledge centre


The Knowledge Centre is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals with diversified expertise in the areas of law where the Firm is active, tasked with deepening and sharing knowledge.

The Knowledge Centre

Its main aim is to provide updates and support for the Firm’s operations and projects, in order to meet all Clients’ requirements and pinpoint new perspectives arising from the continual evolution of the legal and regulatory framework.

The Knowledge Centre also publishes the LEAP newsletter, which carries comments and analyses on case law in the areas of interest to the Firm, as well as writing articles and academic features for publication in legal papers and journals.

Last but not least, it provides continual training both for the Firm’s own professionals, by organising courses accredited with the Rome Law Society, and for outsiders, especially Client companies’ in-house legal staff.

The aim is to activate and encourage opportunities for discussion and sharing of legal culture in order to foster professional growth and lifetime learning, in view of the increasingly global challenges facing the legal profession.

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